Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Got the basic one running now.  Will have to add 8 bit support and transparency support.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Got a base level Encoder done.  It takes a BMP and turns it into a compressed image for the Q3.


Well, got most of the RLE done. Just a couple more little things to go.

Should be able to get the new splash page for SFC:CE done today.  Shhh.


Gawd, how did I do the RLE encoding the first.time I  programmed it almost a year and a half ago.  Grrr, couldn't get back off my dead machine.

Friday, May 6, 2011

my bad

Well, they do it the same. Had a minor brain fart and was looking for the assets in a stupid way, used FCA_ when should have used just FCA some of the assets use FCA as the end of the name, other it has an appended ending that uses the underscore

Thursday, May 5, 2011

something I didn't expect

They have a difference in how they show the ships between OP and EAW. I had figured they would have used all the same data section. But it seems they use a smaller set of pieces.

So back to a sector editor and dig and find out how many chunks are used for each ship, at the short glance I took it looks like they don't use any other race specific pieces, just the original ones for the base race. Will know more in a few hours as I did through the Q3 and some other files I have.

Monday, May 2, 2011

whats done so far

Just a little on what I have been doing, but haven't really posted about.

As I am a programmer from way back (and my skills are still that old) alot of what I have been doing is getting caught up in tech. I was a good DOS/CLI programmer back in the '80s but 20 years of not programming really takes a toll on your skills.

So back then I didn't have to wprry about buttons or graphic interfaces much. Thus alot of what I have been working on is getting down how to do that. I have really hated the windows way of doing alot of it, disliked every GUI package I have tried (about five so far). So have been working on my own GUI package.

I have had about 6 iterations of programs since the Q3 image one, but as they are very boring looking, and each one has looked the same (just changing and adding how the buttons and such are worked), I haven't had alot to say about it. But each of those steps included alot of web searching and reading to get alittle more knowledge on this stuff.

But now I am at the step of getting a dynamic GUI part done. So we can pick a shield image and drag it to the right spot on the ship UI. I haven't gotten an image I can drag yet, but soon (hopefully soon).

I am going to start to build the actual editor base now, and work on some of the layout of the buttons and such, basicly up the right side, choice of race for the editing, and on the bottom will be the palette of shields and hardpoints to add to the images. Click on one, and it will be dropped in the top corner, you then drag it where you want it. (the plan at least)

Well, more later.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

got basic functors

Alright, got the basic functors running so I can attack a function to a button. It will evolve into scripting attached later.

Now to fight with my vector problems (or come up with a new way of doing a dynamic set). Make a few button icons, add an image manager that will use both the Q3 and bmp images and I might be close.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Amt Gard

Took a needed break today, and almost broke myself. Did some fighting with a local group and pounded on each other with foam padded swords and such. Pulled a few muscles (haven't done alot of action in the last few years). Will kill going to work tonight.

wow, sorry for the time

Flood time is now almost over here. River is starting to go back down. Only about 30 feet more to drop. (river is normally about 15-18 feet deep, got to almost 50 this year, third highest, and four below the flood that took out my town) Wasn't really any danger to my area, but around us highways were under water and messes up the normal life for awhile.

Now, still working on an editor, had so many ideas, they sprang out more and it bogged down. But back to working on it, got a few buttons in the UI working. now to get images for them. Also working on getting a font that will work in the UI (graphic systems just don't like the old printf function).

I have been looking in to adding the actual SFC fonts into the editor, so working on the functions that will use those. (would also mean maybe an editor later that would make the fonts).

I also decided to hardcode alot of this editor. I was working on a design that would be able to edit ships, the other UI elements, throw in a ship and fighter editor function to round it out (see why it bogged down). So it will expand to that as I work on it (maybe even throw in an editor for campaigns so you don't have to run through a billion gl files).

but ship UI is where I am heading. Got it so I can put buttons out, and images. Now working on the movable images, and a good way to store what is being done so it is organized in memory so writing it out will be easier.

then will need a small utility to link the output of this editor to the Q3 itself. The head guys want control over what goes into the Q3 so we can have a standardized file. This way we can also QC what is being added and put the stamp of approval on it.

I have alot to learn yet, before major edits of the game ui might be changed and added (like new weapons and systems from the UI stand point, but it is coming along).

Thursday, March 31, 2011

starting up a UI class structure

running how to run the UI for an editor in my head. So starting on building a class hierarchy to control it. I haven't liked any of the premade ones I have come across, they are not transferable to different projects very well. They all want to take over the whole program, and dictate how you do you program under them.

I want one that will be a simple add-on to the SDL framework, that works under it, not take over the whole thing. So working on a simple base class that all other elements will come from, and a control that will display and check what input was done. Then react to that input. It is going to be a semi-persistant immediate mode GUI. It will follow the IMGUI style, but with some persistance but without a complicated callback system.

Instead of the normal IMGUI where the program checks and reacts right away to the input as it draws out the GUI, it will run through all the GUI elements, then do a direct call on the element that has the focus. Doing this so I can have drag-n-drop. If everything stayed in one place a standard IMGUI would work fine.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still hate, but better

Still have my strong dislike for vectors (and alot of STL in general). But found out what was the problem. It just didn't like the way I defined it (location of the define). Got past that part, now on to other weirdness.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Still hate vectors

Some reason just one of the vectors I am working with, says it is multiple defined. I can't find it as it is only defined in one .h file, and only referenced in the corresponding .cpp file. No one else knows of it.


Off to read some docs, and maybe redo the bad boy in a different way. (maybe write my own vector, no not really).


I HATE frak'n vectors.

Got to love free flow programming. . . AKA

spaghetti code. Not sure how I want to do the listing of UI elements as they will be held in memory for display and manipulation. So just hacking out a few ideas and see how they stick. Will have to neaten it up after(if) it works.

Friday, March 25, 2011

sorry, forgot the BB codes

Got used to my Hot and Spicy site that you just have to drop a link into and it becomes a hot link.


step one done

Actually step one.something is done. Got image on screen, and a small program that will walk through all images in the Q3 files (in theory it will work on all of the SFC series Q3's. But I only supported some of the formats the Q3 could have an image in, but I think it is the only ones used in all the games).


grab it here, put it in a directory with a Q3 file and run it. Any key will walk you through the images, but backspace will walk backwards through them.

Remeber grab it while it is hot, it is on gamefront so when the downloads slow, it will get dropped off. So not sure how long it will really be here.

back to an old nemesis

STL stuff is still a major weakness of mine. Hacking around a stupid vector of pointers to assets, and trying to get data back out of it. GRRRR

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We got clipping

Okay, my break is over, and I got the clipping working right. Now the image can show up anywhere on the screen and be alright. Not sure if it will work right if I run it off the end, but not going to worry about that right now.

part way there

Okay, it shows the image now. But have to figure out why it doesn't like to be moved out of the top corner. It has to do with the clipping zone, but not sure why. It shouldn't crash, it should just clip the image if it doesn't match the clip area.


Well, working on my function that didn't draw the image for me. I must be making progress, it now crashes the program.

Monday, March 21, 2011

So Far

Well, the weekend is over and I spent some time writing code to display an image. Was doing some conversion on the code and making it call correctly. Then I ran it, and it displayed, well, a blank screen.

Hmmm, going back to an earlier function that did work, and modifying the one I converted over the weekend to see if I can get one to display the image. It was rather disappointing. But ever forward.

Friday, March 18, 2011

working on step one

about half way done with step one. Relearning how to do things in SDL and all. Sad when I times I am saying, hmmm, I knew this. And it has only been about a year or so.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gaaa more strangeness

Well, more odditites on the Development machine.

It locked out after an update, it seemed. So four more installs of XP on the machine and we might be stable. Seems odd, but installing the drivers for the motherboard from the disk I got with it seems to make it unstable now. Worked for years before, now install the drivers, system locks out.

But it seems stable, but I haven't moved back onto that machine yet. It now has XP and two versions of Linux on it. Will be interesting to see how compiling on different OSs work out. I program using Code::Blocks and use SDL so in theory my code should work on both sides of my machine.

Now for the actual update.

I have stepped back on what I have been doing as I set up a project that was to big for me to work on and beyond my skills (and knowledge) at the moment. Working on the editor for adding new Ship UI's to the game, and in the future changing the other UI parts of the game.

So first step I am working on a small program that will take the image files and just display them to the screen. No translation to other formats, right from the Q3 image file format. This is step one.

Step two, work on making my buttons work, then add moving images (the click on and move image thingie). This will allow the picking up of elements and putting them on the ship where needed.

Then work on adding Windows that hold the images that you need to use to add on the ship. Step three.

So this is where I am right now. Sorry so slow on updating here, been working on learning on alot of the Q3 stuff and other parts of the game. Details on that, sadly can't be talked about right now. But maybe I can put out some spoilers as I work on the UI editing parts with screen shots down the road.

But first on to step one, going to start tonight on that.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

GUI, GUI, my kingdom for a GUI

trying to get to the next step but as has been stated before, I am not a GUI type programmer. All my training has been for the CLI. So I am very fuzzy and hardpressed to make a nice GUI interface to change anything in the Q3. Looking into some options. Reading on QT4, I hate generic windows stuff but might have to step that way also. Problem I have is that every GUI solution I have found wants to take full control of the App by having the base derived from one of their classes. I am going to also look into IMGUI alittle more but with that I have to write it all myself (as it is more a concept then a library to use)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Part ways back

Got my old development machine running again. But it has a few problems to work out yet. One of which is getting my VC6 set up for compiling code right. Still working on that part.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Still working on how the UI links with the game itself. They have the messages, but it goes into other structures and calls and things. This will take some tracking on how the calls route so we can copy it for new things.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Messages from the other side.

It will take little work to get the messages down also. The Q3 when you click on something, builds messages that is sent through an internal routing system to where it needs to go to tell a function to run, or to collect data needed to be displayed. It is a fairly large system, but it will crack in the near future (and be printed on paper to lay it's soul out for me to digest) mwuahha-ha-ha-ha.


I was hoping QUIL would be a nicer thing, but it looks like an assembler style opcode so far. Will have to write out the code and a dump of the interpreter to see how it reads it. Then see if we really will need this stuff, or if a Lua script would be better to embed in the game so we can make easier changes.

I am hoping for the Lua actually, it has other uses I hope for, including changing weapons and other parts so they fire Lua scripts so we can make it tighter in the code side, and easier to add new things. (farther down the road, sort of a pipe dream).

Right now the main thing is to get the QUIL figured out so we can add in new functions to the UI. So many things OP had that EAW doesn't so much, much to add back in .

Monday, February 14, 2011

grrr, again

Was working at seeing what was needed to add plasma bolts to the game. I need alittle more study to add them. But will work on seeing what would be needed to add a panel for special sensors (besides some artwork that is).

The main thing is to see how it all works together so more can be added. The QUIL code stuff sucks still. It seems to be an op-code based language but I don't have the context yet (have to work through the interpreter and see how it loads and goes through it to get the formating and that sucks big ones). I am hoping that in general as we add new stuff that is similar to items already in the game, or copies of parts from OP, SFC3, or the original SFC I can just steal the QUIL from them and just reuse it.

moving along.

Step I am working on is how does the Q3 link with the structures in the program? How is data passed, how to make it work so we can add in new functions. Like Special Sensors, or some things I have in mind also.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Still Sick

Well, still coughing my butt off and feeling crappy in general. But slowly working through a few things. Rethinking how I wanted the editor to run (again). Will probably have to do a long sit down this week end and finalize it in my mind. But will work on a specific editor for the ship UI's while hacking down the final plan. (as the ship UI's is a big thing that will be needed)

Will have to look at how the UI's look in EAW (has been years since I played that one), and see what will be needed to make look right. Might spend my time intergrating the images from OP back into EAW.

Also the stuff I have been working on does work on the SFC3 Q3 file also, so might be able to get that look in the game also. May have to talk to a few people on where this should be heading.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today will be a sick day, dang it. So probably not much will get done besides some sleep.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Still Plugging

Okay, got it so they will write out the assets in a normal format. Will add other write commands in alittle bit to make it fit my intergrating format so we can have people edit the Q3 in pieces and have a central location to put it all back together.

I have it so it wrote out all the assets for the images, now to get alittle utility written to pack that with the images, rewrite the asset numbers, and make a reference table.

The a utility to walk the Q3 pulling out the trees of assets for each section (the named parts that are the scenes). Then probably pack the trees together logically so they can be edited together. (e.q. all tactical UI for Klingon would be either grouped into one file, or grouped in a subfolder)

first not so done

Okay, little error(s) in the stuff I done. Nothing big overall. Had the wrong int size for the asset type (simple fix, just change it). But the second one I can't figure out yet. When getting the size of a string that should be 0, I get one. Not sure why.

odd, I was putting in a NULL if the string was blank so it would be initialized at least. Seems that if you don't have any characters in the string, it counts the '\0' as a character. So that is fixed (at least in one location, have to change it each place I did that stupid thing).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

first is done

Okay, all assets are updated to work correctly. Now on to the disassemble of the Q3 into bite sized pieces. (and hoping to get over whatever is making me ill right now, grrr)

Monday, February 7, 2011

finishing up first part.

going through and adding the code to mark each asset correctly when written out. The read code checks the asset type, but doesn't save it anywhere. So adding in alittle code to put back in the asset type in the file when writting to disk. It is simply putting in a little code at the beginning of each base asset but alittle digging for it.

After that then I will start on the code to rip the Q3's apart. Then on one that will put it back together so I can see if the Q3 still works after the take apart and rebuild. If all goes well, then I have to learn some more graphics coding to get the editor running.

Will see where this heads off into.

Slow weekend

Well, not as far as I wanted, but weeked was brothers daughters b-day party (three day pool party), was sick (somewhat), and spent way to much time working on some syntactic sugar that just wouldn't sweeten up for me (so will continue with some ugly code).

So far got almost all the functions neater now and almost done with the mSave functions so it will write out to a file properly. Next is to start putting together some of the code to tear apart the Q3 into bitesized chunks for working on it. First is to pull all the images and assets that point to them into one file as a master that all the others will reference. This will be messy going, but once done it will make the editing easier for how I picture doing it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rework of editor idea and such

Okay. Have been thinking on how would be best to edit a file that has in the ten's of thousand assets in it. I have decided to make a slight modification to the Q3 general format to allow me to pull apart the whole file and make subfiles of each tree of assets. They will all reference a central image file.

This way I can have a file that would be each ship UI in the game and hold all the information needed for that specific UI. The references to the central image file will be by image number and not by specific offsets as in the Q3 right now. This will allow images to change without having to worry about all the offsets of all images after it. Since when you write out a full intergrated Q3 file for use it will simply figure the offsets on the fly and insert them into the file as it is written out.

I am still kicking around an idea of a fully stand alone update format that can be integrated into the Q3 from stand alone editors that can be handed out to developers (like FoaS to make the UI's) These files would hold the new images in themselves, but reference the main image file for the images that are used in multiple UI's (like the image of a weapon point, or the shields).

This would allow the community to make updates to the Q3 with the stand alone editors and submit them. Then we can review them, make sure they look good and integrate them into the Q3 with minimum problems.

A full editor that can change anything in the whole Q3 will be worked on also, but will not be released to the general people (the first one might not also, have to kick the idea around to those in charge but who knows.) I am going to jump on modifying my reading and writing code to handle this edition to the data. This will mainly add the extra information to the parts needed and write a second set of read and write functions that use the different data so it will work.

The editor will be nasty to work with to start as I am learning the programming stuff needed to work with SDL/graphics and such as I go along. So start crude, and refine as I go along and learn more.

I am hoping to get the main functions modified before the weekend is over. This also might allow me to pull the Q3's of SFC, SFC:EAW, and SFC:OP apart and put together a new Q3 file using parts of each (with a probable need of updating images from the older stuff).

On to coding. . . .

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Going back into using SDL and doing some graphics. I have forgot a bit of this. But it shall come back to me as I move forward. Hopefully.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

found flash

I found my flash drive that has all the Q3 work I had done so far, so no need to try and necro my old computer yet. Going to copy it over and work on the graphics again. Then back to the fun of trying to get an editor started. This will be slow as I have never made a graphical editor before, only CLI ones.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

step one

Well, got the base done now. Can load in all the assets. Have to revive the dead machine long anough to pull some files off it. That way I can get the graphic stuff. But then again a rewrite might be in order.

Monday, January 31, 2011

way to long

Well, still have a dead machine but back to work on this baby. I am on my fifth or so incarnation of how to read in the Q3 stuff. I am halfway through again and making sure it works with the EAW Q3. End of this week should have the reading in done. Then will have to work again on display. Then moving pieces/editing.