Sunday, April 24, 2011

wow, sorry for the time

Flood time is now almost over here. River is starting to go back down. Only about 30 feet more to drop. (river is normally about 15-18 feet deep, got to almost 50 this year, third highest, and four below the flood that took out my town) Wasn't really any danger to my area, but around us highways were under water and messes up the normal life for awhile.

Now, still working on an editor, had so many ideas, they sprang out more and it bogged down. But back to working on it, got a few buttons in the UI working. now to get images for them. Also working on getting a font that will work in the UI (graphic systems just don't like the old printf function).

I have been looking in to adding the actual SFC fonts into the editor, so working on the functions that will use those. (would also mean maybe an editor later that would make the fonts).

I also decided to hardcode alot of this editor. I was working on a design that would be able to edit ships, the other UI elements, throw in a ship and fighter editor function to round it out (see why it bogged down). So it will expand to that as I work on it (maybe even throw in an editor for campaigns so you don't have to run through a billion gl files).

but ship UI is where I am heading. Got it so I can put buttons out, and images. Now working on the movable images, and a good way to store what is being done so it is organized in memory so writing it out will be easier.

then will need a small utility to link the output of this editor to the Q3 itself. The head guys want control over what goes into the Q3 so we can have a standardized file. This way we can also QC what is being added and put the stamp of approval on it.

I have alot to learn yet, before major edits of the game ui might be changed and added (like new weapons and systems from the UI stand point, but it is coming along).

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up mate, can't wait to see what you get done ;)
