Thursday, August 5, 2010

so far.

Had a great idea last night, but checking it out today nixed it. I was thinking it might have been possible to add new races into the game after I get the hang of the race UI stuff. But from my research since I got back home, they use an enumerated type in the source for races, it is held in race.h (source code stuff so can't see it). So I was alittle let down this morning.

Bright side tho. I have gone through the 322 pages of the Mirak UI Q3 stuff. Took notes on the major assets (the ones that layout the basis of the screens, and hold the more detailed stuff in it). Now to go back through all 322 pages maybe two more times. Then match the assets to the images (find out how many images total are needed to change the UI). Then try and get it into a format so someone might be able to redo the UI's. Good thing is that every race has the UI done the same. So done once, it will work for all the races in case some tweaking is needed to images.

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